“Crafting narratives, building trust, and making marketing an adventure!”

With 15 years in the wild world of marketing and e-commerce, I’ve weathered startups, mergers, and digital face-lifts. A virtuoso in content, social media, project management, and analytics, I’m the Sherlock Holmes of SEO and the maestro of comprehensive campaigns. Crafting narratives that captivate and building trust with customers is my jam. Let’s make marketing an adventure, not just a transaction!


New Product Launches:

  • Collaborated with well-known trusted brands in the outdoor industry to launch a new line of high-performance cycling gear, fostering cross-promotion and co-branding. These strategic partnerships resulted in about a 40% increase in overall product sales within the first 4 weeks of launch.

  • Leveraged the combined reach of partner brands through joint social media campaigns, content marketing, and email newsletters, generating a boost in pre-launch engagement and enhancing the product's visibility.

Driving Revenue:

  • Implemented a targeted email marketing campaign for existing customers, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat purchases and contributing to a 15% growth in overall revenue year over year.

  • Revamped the customer loyalty program, introducing tiered rewards and personalized incentives, along with a membership for two different online stores.

  • Utilized a data-driven approach to identify high-margin products, bucketized based on revenue and cost. Resulting in the sell through of $3 million in stale inventory, and a 15% increase in revenue from the top-performing product categories.

Reducing Ads Costs - Increasing Purchase Rates:

  • Conducted a thorough analysis of digital advertising campaigns, optimized by reducing ad spend by 50% while increasing purchase rates by 15% over 6 months.

  • Implemented A/B testing for website and ad creatives, leading to an improvement in click-through rates and a subsequent 10% decrease in cost per acquisition.

Print Ads:

  • Designed and executed a local print advertising campaign in collaboration with a prominent cycling magazines, driving traffic and brand visibility to local retail location as well as online traffic.

  • Implemented a tracking system with an all in one data hub, to measure the effectiveness of print ads, resulting in improvement in ROI for print advertising spend.

Optimizing Websites for User Experience and SEO:

  • Implemented website improvements, including a streamlined checkout process and responsive re-design, leading to a 10% reduction in bounce rates and an increase in overall site engagement.

  • Successfully recovered online visibility after an SEO data loss, implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy that resulted in an increase in organic search traffic within six months.

Social Marketing Campaigns:

  • Leveraged YouTube and other social channels to launch a video marketing campaign that garnered 1 million views, contributing to a 30% increase in online engagement and customer interaction.

  • Implemented user-generated content campaigns, encouraging customers to share their experiences.


Marketing Strategy • Data Analysis • ECommerce Strategy • Brand Development • SEO Optimization • Customer Acquisition • Collaboration • Communication • Email Marketing • Team Management • Project Management • UX/UI Optimization • Magento Admin • Shopify Admin • Netsuite Admin

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